When your boy dare you to send a dick pic so you stick the Snapchat cam in your pants and your hoe don't know.
"Boy, last night I pulled a Nocturnal Cobra on my bitch."
When you mix jizz with a pairing energy drink of choice.
(preferably your own for best results)
My perfect balanced breakfast is my A King Cobra, It has half the protein of an egg!
a mid-sized sedan that has only 10% of it's original parts remaining and over 10 years. It's large enough for 5, but can easily accomodate 7. 8 if you include the trunk
8 of us can't fit in the neon, we'll need 2 rides. No problem get the "cobra cab"
A group of 5 amazing girls, each very diffrent all extrmelly good looking.
Wow! I really want all the cobra gang girls