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Violent Explosive Diarrhea

When you crap so much from eating so much

I had four burritos,six sno cones, a third gallon of ice cream, three bowls of baked beans,ten slushies,seven helpings to teriyaki chicken,and 20 french fries. Then I gained 20 pounds lost one pound and had Violent Explosive Diarrhea for 5 weeks

by Erin Wakey Balowey February 8, 2004

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niagra falls explosion

when you hit that g spot on a girl so hard she squirts and you need a raincoat

I need a niagra falls explosion soon

by Dick nose boner biscuit October 18, 2017

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Cool Beans Explosion

A slang term for something that is much cooler then just cool beans.

Mike:I got tickets to Coldplay

Janet:Cool Beans Explosion

by Factsabouteverything January 13, 2013

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Automatic Explosion Launcher

A machine gun that is capable of automatic fire, that launches projectiles that explode upon impact. Capable of releasing devastation upon the enemy.

I shredded those talibs with that automatic explosion launcher.

by hahahahahhahahhahahhahhahhaahh September 17, 2010

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Meth Lab Explosion

Native to the midwest region of the United States, particularly Iowa. After sex wait for your partner to leave the room. When she does let one rip and seal it under the covers. It is vital that the fart be contained completely under the covers. When she returns offer her some of the covers. Release the fart and exclaim KABOOM!

My girlfriend had to buy new sheets after a post-Taco Bell meth lab explosion.

by The Covered Wagon Cougar March 28, 2009

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Nuclear Explosion Orange

This is what happened to me. I bleached my hair, dyed it red, washed it, watched it turn pink, dyed it red again a few months later, washed my hair, watched it go Nuclear Explosion Orange.

Justin looks like he stuck his head in a nuclear reactor to get that Nuclear Explosion Orange hair!

by Tonbogiri September 16, 2006

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Cream Soda Explosion

The cream soda Explosion is when a man is about to have a origasm inside of a woman and scares her by pretending to have a seizure and then has the origasm while screaming " Cream Soda!" and still shaking.

Woman 1: Man joe was crazy last night in bed, he started shaking and did the deed while screaming.

Woman 2: oh my, he must have done a Cream Soda Explosion on you.

by Nicole Laite June 18, 2009

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