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Jamaican Omelette

A "Jamaican Omelette" is a Marijuana Infused food. It involves infusing Marijuana into a normal Egg Omelette, preferably a French Omelette.

Person 1: Dude, Let's make some weed brownie after school!

Person 2: SHHHHHH! Don't say that loud, people will know! Also let's make a Jamaican Omelette instead!

Person 1: What's a Jamaican Omelette?

Person 2: Precise!

by SEB_ERRECT September 10, 2019

Jamaican Lollipop

The name for a joint when it is being rolled by a Jamaican.

Jamaican 1: Look at Delroy ehhh!

Jamaican 2: What’s that the yardie’s lickin?
Jamaican 1: The Rasta man has a Jamaican Lollipop ehhh.
Jamaican2: D-Roy gettin’ irie.
Jamaican 1: Ahlieeee fam

by that22guy November 6, 2019

Jamaican Sex

When you and your girl put hot chili juice on your dick and in her pussy and then go in raw while it stings like hell and you both are in so much pain.

David: "How was your night with sophie?" Kyle: Dude it was great, we had Jamaican Sex together and it hurt like hell but it was the greatest night of my life"

by SgtJuggles November 22, 2022

Jamaican Shower

When a guy with long Rastafarian dreads stands over his girl in the bathtub and pee's on her, all while smoking a fat joint and listening to Bob Marley.

Dude, My girl and I are taking a Jamaican Shower tonight.

by matt_rage May 18, 2020

Jamaican Press Conference

The act of having a woman insert a smoking pipe, or any such instrument capable of smoking marijuana, into her vagina, and allowing a group no smaller than five people to reciprocate the contents from her vagina prior to her extracting the contents from the smoking device

Sally invited me and the folks over to partake of her weekly bud, only to find out that it was going to be a jamaican press conference; a sexual orgy followed us doing so.

by Dill_Swanson March 25, 2010

Jamaican meat mountain

When a man shoves various meats into his significant others asshole and proceeds to preform anal sex with said significant other

Not hungry babe? How about the Jamaican meat mountain ?

by perphurdle January 14, 2017

Jamaican Bobsled

The use of Vaporub as lubrication.

She didn’t have any KY, so we raided the medicine cabinet and took the Jamaican Bobsled for a spin.

by Grim Tiswold January 22, 2022