When your pussy gets fucked so hard it gets twisted and then when you queef the air comes out all wonkey and shit and smells like tuna salad.
Bitch you pussy so twisted and smell I think you twisted queefed.
Rolling marijuana joints(cigarettes).
Guy 1: Where have you been? Guy 2: I've been busy twisting j's. Do you want to smoke one? Guy 1: Hell yes, fire it up.
The art of turning the wheels of your car all the way to prevent tow trucks from towing your vehicle
I was illegally parked so I used the “twisted tires” technique to prevent my car from being towed
A Plop Twist is when you go to the toilet for a piss but get the sudden desire to take a shit.
Man 1: "Hey man, what took you so long? We were ready half an hour ago."
Man 2: "Sorry man, had a Plop Twist."
It is a simple procedure that sometimes initiates labour, reducing the risk of babies being born over the due date (42 weeks of pregnancy). A fist and twist releases hormones which prepares the cervix for birth and sometimes initiates labour.
Adj was booked in for a second fist and twist after the Dr's first outing had not satisfied her.
when you smoke apple weed and have sex
Dude have you tried apple twisting?
When a thong gets tangled in a person's butt hair.
Bruce tried to take off the thong but he ended up with a Mississippi twist and had to cut it out.