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A patroll police officer.

hide the blunt, i see trolls

by Troll King January 25, 2010

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In the game of Beerpong when a team is "blacked out", loses a game without making a single one of the opponent's cups. The losing team must sit under the beer pong table for the subsequent games until they grab a ball that goes off the table. Like a mythical troll sits under a bridge.

"Hey have you seen Emma and Tyler?"

"Yeah, they're under the table bro"

"WOW, if they got blacked out they deserve to play Troll!! haha"

by T-Hop209 September 27, 2011

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verb. The act of hiding all of someone's possessions when they leave their desk unattended for a moment, then laughing at them as they search for them. Most popular in high schools.

Dude! You got trolled!

by TheStuffedBeaver March 16, 2010

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This thing that resides Brandon High School- ugly as shit. BD!!

OMG, there be a troll in my lunch!!

by the_one99999999999 April 21, 2010

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Marius guy from that random haked computer

Person 1: What the hell is that person drooling over a computer!?
Person 2: Yeah he's Marius troll, just ignore him.

by ThatRandomDudeGuy April 25, 2013

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One who engages in acts during multiplayer online games that bother other gamers. Such acts may include but are not limited to: trapping a strategically placed teammate in an FPS until the enemy kills them, modding a game to gain an unfair advantage, and/or making disruptive sounds intended to inhibit concentration on gameplay. Some may do it for the lulz, but most are of the "misery loves company" type.

Player 1: That was a great match we just had.
Player 2: True, but you did see those two boosters and the noob with the pro kill/death ratio, right?
Player 1: Yeah. I've already reported all three trolls to the game developer (and the console's moderators).

by Semper Paganus June 10, 2013

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An individual, male or female, who is socially inept and of sub-par intelligence. They are known for their feeble minds, obnoxious behavior, and often regarded as a nuisance to the general public because they suck at life. Most Trolls suffer from low self esteem and inadequacies, to coup with this they often project their feelings of insecurities on people they envy. Trolls are found all over the world and seem to be on the rise. Trolls are often eager to harass members of society who contribute to humanity and hold higher social values. Once it's been confirmed the individual in question is in fact a troll, it is appropriate to sound a "TROLL ALERT" to notify others.

1) Annoying Individual at public place is giving you crap for no reason, other then to perhaps seem cool in his own mind. - It would be appropriate to sound a "TROLL ALERT" - which is you stating this loudly to the crowd, your friends and other people, in the know, should follow suit, for maximum delivery. This has been proven to be highly effective is disarming Trolls.

2) Group of individuals (Trolls) pointing and laughing. - Confirm they are trolls. confirmed. - guy 1 - Sound Troll Alarm "TROLL ALERT" - guy 2 - "TROLL ALERT" - guy 3 - "TROLL ALERT" - Trolls now shut up and leave you alone.

by eFlow May 14, 2012

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