Also known broke boy/girl dumbass but most importantly you are GAY. Android brand is also the top leading brand in the lgbt community look it up. Anyone that disagrees is GAY so might as well get an android if you don’t already have one you fucking faggot.
Android user means gay/broke
Bruce: hey I just got a new phone wanna see?
Nick: yea yea what brand is it?
Bruce: it’s a android
Nick: yea ur definitely gay bud see ya
3👍 7👎
Using a character not in the meta, simply due to liking the character. Win or lose, doesn't matter. This is your character.
Theo's an unmeta user, he just doesn't care about the pro's tier lists!
To be fired from a corporation that uses a system like MS Teams or Skype so your credentials are wiped and you are now an "Unknown User"
- Hey you heard about Bob?
- Ye, he made some mess in our accounting file and they unknown-usered him.
- Ouch, tough luck.
chlorine:i didnt know the chain user was a girl :c
god/spider slayer 3000: no i just have a wig dumbass
chlorine: awooga🤩🤩🤩🤩
So if you want to piss off your friend a lot, go on his computer, and click on the top login bar where it says 'User name' and then type in User name yourself, and watch him / her physically hate you for the rest of their life after they type in their real username only to realise what you've done and in somecases, they might not look up at the screen, and will click 'enter' and will be extremely confused, why the fuck they didn't get in, I've done this a couple times because I'm the definition of a comedic genius (totally) and sometimes I fail, so I'd recommend also typing in at the very end something like got em or your mum gay or just whatever you want, so even if they eradicate the trap, they will still not gain access to the fucking computer.
"Did you type in User name to my fucking computer again you absolute nonce?"
That cool person on tiktok that posts daily philip and is amazing (and gay)
“do you know that guy stan on tiktok?”
“you mean user philipguystan?”