Source Code


Usually means What the Fuck. But actually translates as wheres the fritos. created by some fatass named royce who lost his fritos.

WTF man!!! Im f-n hungry

by 1234b27 December 6, 2006

1πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

wtf the fuck

it basically means what the fucking fuck.Used by noobs,they don't know what wtf means.

oh my god, wtf the fuck was that !?

by valeriopasqua2 November 13, 2008

16πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

WTF Charles

WTF Charles means the same thing as WTF 'What the Fuck'. It’s from a voiced over X-Men cartoon starring the Juggernaut.

It’s a scene where Professor Charles Xavier is having an image in his head in which the Juggernaut sees this and proceeds to say "WTF Charles?!" to Professor X.

A friend and I altered the regular WTF with this one because we thought it was the funniest part of the Cartoon and it just sounded better to say WTF Charles?! instead of the old boring WTF. It is pretty funny because we come across people that know what we are talking about when we say WTF Charles. They are like "Dude, the Juggernaut!" Haha.... oh well I thought i'd share the new and improved WTF phrase.

If you would like to see the video, just goto www.youtube.com and type Juggernaut in the search bar and it will come up.

Example 1:

Bob: "Dude, did you hear that Bruce got caught having sex with this sailor at the bar last night?"
Steve: "WTF Charles?!"

Example 2:

:::You hear a weird noise in the distance:::
You: "WTF Charles?!?"

by The Real Shizza November 3, 2006

7πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

wtf moment

A moment where something so surprising or ridiculous happens that the onlooker can only exclaim "wtf?!".

I was sitting down at the table for our formal dinner when this dude with aviators, a flannel shirt, and a mullet walked in. It was the ultimate wtf moment.

by sixoclockshadow May 12, 2005

104πŸ‘ 296πŸ‘Ž

Wtf Slap

When a friend slaps you, HARD, for no apparent reason, making you think their just kidding around, but they slap you a second time, HARD, and you say "what the fuck?"

"Haha their is no spoon"
"Dude matrix quotes are so old no-"
"Ow dude haha why did you-"
"Dude! What the Fuck? Why the hell did you just slap me? ahh shit dude that hurt."

by blackmage53 December 9, 2004

6πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

WTF Charles

WTF Charles means the same thing as WTF 'What the Fuck'. It’s from a voiced over X-Men cartoon starring the Juggernaut.

It’s a scene where Professor Charles Xavier is having an image in his head in which the Juggernaut sees this and proceeds to say "WTF Charles?!" to Professor X.

A friend and I altered the regular WTF with this one because we thought it was the funniest part of the Cartoon and it just sounded better to say WTF Charles?! instead of the old boring WTF. It is pretty funny because we come across people that know what we are talking about when we say WTF Charles. They are like "Dude, the Juggernaut!" Haha.... oh well I thought i'd share the new and improved WTF phrase.

If you would like to see the video, just goto any video search website and type Juggernaut in the search bar and it will come up.

Example 1:

Bob: "Dude, did you hear that Brucie Boy came out of the closet?"
Steve: "WTF Charles?!"

Example 2:

:::You hear a weird noise in the distance:::
You: "WTF Charles?!?"

by The Real Shizza November 4, 2006

5πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

wtf richard

A kid who is autistic and retarded

Wtf Richard

by PeenDowg69 May 15, 2019

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž