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The liquid that goes inside an e cigarette

"Heyy man I need more juice for my vape"

"Bro you used up all my juice"

"Hey look, a vape juice store!"

by Lmao_ily July 27, 2019


Interest added to a loan on the streets

I promise to pay back that 20 large by tomorrow. The 'juice' on that loan is 10% a day. You will give 22 large by 5 pm tomorrow.

by WantToUnderstandTheKids August 4, 2009


Another word for a fag/ciggerete

Do you have some juice?

by POKOYA July 17, 2008


Equivalent to homie or bro.

What's good wit it juice?

by Yungd March 25, 2016


A likwiiiid that is nice :)

Me: want some juice ?
Other peep: no sorry Emily

by Grace 🖤 October 31, 2021


If you have a gang named "Juice" you are gay and have a small dick

"Shiit you are gay, you must be in the Juice gang"

by Kim Slejdet May 1, 2019


You are the man.

You got the juice.

by Olillie July 9, 2019