When your back runs into your hamstrings because of the lack of ass. This is in reference to where your asshole should be if you had an ass (asshole). The equivalent of a kankle for your missing cheeks.
Mags, quit bending over! Your ham hole is showing! …..bro, where’d your ass go?
Finding your things have gone missing and you can only deduce your roommate must have taken it.
Student 1: Man. My beercase had gone missing from the fridge. It must've fallen to the Roommate Hole. Man, my roommate is an asshole.
Student 2: Don't worry mate, I get you a pint from the pub.
Student 1: Thanks mate, you're the best.
A destination where Jerome Powell Chair of the Federal Reserve) made and announcement to hike interest rates and tanked the entire worldwide Stock Market .
Where did all of my money go ? Into the Jackson Hole !
A smokin shize spot where da stuff gets hot 😫
Shize that dude’s sleeping in da crev hole!
Originally a German saying to express that you or somebody else is doing nothing at the moment, while looking to a permanent direction.
The student actually has to work on his exercises but is doing nothing. The teacher tells him not to stare holes in the air.
While sitting on the toilet I'm starring holes in the air.
inaccurate information full of horse dust
the moral raison d 'étre of the no spin zone is supposed to be about getting rid of the holes all over the place