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Pulling a Trump

When one tries to lie and cheat their way to a result if the legitimate outcome of and election doesn't go in their favour.

Oh man, he's pulling a trump taking that one to court.

by Kevin the doog November 5, 2020

Pulling a Trump

Getting mad at someone for something and then almost immediately after admit to doing the same thing you got mad at.

Guy 1: I hate when people eat my food without asking!!!(20 minutes later) I ate the fries on your plate I hope you don't mind.

Guy 2: you're really pulling a Trump

by WhatEvenHappensNow December 13, 2019

Pulling A Trump

Absolute failure leading to a vengeful act of total destruction.

Did you hear about Derrick? Guy got fired at the fertilizer plant so he tossed his cigarette. Took out half the city. Talk about pulling a Trump!'

by Darkbob2 December 12, 2020

Pulling a trump

When someone clearly does not know when to put their foot in their mouth and says things thay are going spark International debates.
Possibly starting World War 3

IMG our president is pulling a trump

by Were fucked July 2, 2017

Pulling a Trump

When someone actually takes your and makes up you said on twitter or from outside the White house.
To tell a lie on Twitter and then lie about your lie on twitter then call the truth FAKE NEWS.

Pulling a Trump today going to lie to on Twitter and then called the truth Fake News.

by trumpedupnews15 September 30, 2019

Pulling a Trump

When you ‘misspeak’. Instead of using a * to correct yourself, you admit that you ‘pulled a Trump

“When you go to Detroit, I would ride the public bus.” “One correction- I was pulling a Trump! I WOULDN’T use the public bus.”

by JordyA July 22, 2018

Pulling A Trump

Tweeting at an illogical time such as late at night

"Lol, I was pulling a trump hard last night"

by A Big Homosexual March 29, 2020