one of the sweetest most loving you can find
one of the best musicans out there
James is a great - musican
a hot beautiful but MISERABLEEEE guy ...whos an amazing musican
Being a James is a state of being scared of commitment and would usually spend his time lying on his bed and puffing his vape instead of fixing his broken AC. During the thanksgiving dinner, James is seen hiding under the table vaping due to his fear of chicken and his very insipid taste for eggs. This state often involves a constant state of sadness thinking about past relationships (although non-existant b/c he has no commitment) and what could have been. Being a constant topic of gossip for people thinking he gets pussy, but in reality the only thing wet is his pillow from his tears.
" I can't fix my AC"
"Stop being a James"
" I can't find my airpods"
"You are such a James"
Ah James the gay boi. The boy who wants to shag Jayden from the older class.
Jayden: “why you looking at me all the time”
James: thinks *oh god what do I say* “um hi Jayden
A very small child that is slightly homosexual but does not yet realise. He has also never seen his own penis
“Hi I’m James” said James smally and homosexually without looking at his penis