The art of disappearing from a social gather, without a good excuse, thus disappointing everyone present
Fred: Hey when did sam leave dumplings last night?
George: I have no idea - he must have thrown a Sam bomb, I'd imagine it was pretty early though
When are too angry and about to explode into somebody or a group of people and can’t just bear it but if you exploded out may be it won’t be good as may cause a lot
Speaker 1: Man I wanna kill Mary she broke up with me yesterday and she is acting normal right now ... I can remember also when she ....
Speaker 2: Man split bombs and let’s have a cool drink right now
When someone asks you a daring and uncomfortable question in front of everyone.
E: "So, Kris, do you still work with us?"
K: *panics in front of the entire company because they quit months ago yet still get invited to office parties*
HR: damn, E is such a truth bomb dropper.
When someone asks you a daring and uncomfortable question in front of everyone.
E: "So, Kris, do you still work with us?"
K: *panics in front of the entire company because they quit months ago yet still get invited to office parties*
HR: damn, E is such a truth bomb dropper.
An author who signs copies of their book at random whilst traveling across the globe.
That Chris Brogan just book bombed another Borders.
the term for explosive diarrhea in a public bathroom. some dude got arrested for saying this a little to loudly.
dude why did you bomb the bathroom at school?
A clam bomb is when a woman queefs in your face on accident or on purpose.
Clam bomb: I was tattooing Krystal's hip, and she dropped the clam bomb.