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Daddy clip

A daddy clip is a big ole drum on tha glizzy 🔫

“I pulled up on him with tha daddy clip

by YKMthemisfit May 30, 2021

Daddy Burger

The classic country burger at Big Al's. It can only be cooked by one man — Daddy Nick.

I went to Big Al's last night and ordered a Daddy Burger. Gosh! It's the best burger in town! (said while licking your chops)

by daddycoconut September 26, 2018

Daddy Skurm

The one who has all the side hoes

You're being a Daddy Skurm

by KatsUwUki BakuBoi August 29, 2020

daddy devito

daddy devito is a sexy beast who can take your girl in a second

i am terrifide of daddy devito what if he steals my girl

by shnart burgu July 10, 2023

Daddy Jay

Daddy Jay, or only known as Dad/Jay is an well known and sexy developer of the game scram, which today is one of the most well known developers of all time on earth and hes really hot!

Me: "Daddy Jay is so hot!"
Random dude: "Yeah bro!"

by ProblematicDesire May 1, 2023

Bang daddy

Ur step bro bags

Auo my bang daddy was amazing in bed yesterfay

by TommyJoe14 November 5, 2021

Daddy bob

The best word bomb player ever. He is very very smexy and amazing. He has big mommy milkers.

I want my Daddy bob

by jayden0131 October 4, 2022