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Poop a Loop

A circular or lollipop-shaped path that a dog owner creates/packs down for their small dog to walk in the deep snow and go to the bathroom.

The snow was so deep, I had to make a poop a loop for my little dog this morning.

by Tashispice April 18, 2016


When you sit on your partners lap while they are pooping and poop through their legs.

We are so in love with eachother we poop-a-loop together

by PswizzleOG May 20, 2021


A reference used when something is not right.

"That's poop-a-loops, I cannot believe she dumped you."

by crim77 April 20, 2008

Poop Goopin

She darn drank to much dam poop goopin everywhere

Poop goopin- have been drinking so much you poop goop yourself

by Poop goopin November 25, 2021

Meta Poop

Deification that occurs after drinking Metamucil. This usually involves only a few large logs Of poop and only requires a single wipe of the anus.

Took a sip of my coffee and took a huge Meta Poop.

by Clars800 September 13, 2020

smoke some poop

The act of a smoking meth.

If i smoke weed, I’m going to get thirsty, if I start drinking, I’m going to want to smoke some poop, if I smoke some poop, I’m going to slam some dope. Bad idea all the way around.

by PWP2308 December 10, 2022

Poop etiquette

The art of sanitary cleansing post- fecal extrusion

Following societal rules for proper fecal handling and sanitation

In countries such as India, proper poop etiquette requires one to wipe with the left hand only.

You must teach young children proper poop etiquette so they aren’t the stinky kid in class.

by EyenTheTerrible May 28, 2019