When some one thinks that they are cool because they do boxing and think creed2 was based on them. Stage 3 of will hall disease
Hey guys you know creed 2
It was based on me
Crap he has AI boxing effects
Oraly destroying a girl till she's about to throw up then holding your penis in her throat like cork until the pressure builds and you pull out making her gag to point where she sprays vomit everywhere.
Yesterday my girl hit an amazing box state bottle pop
the exact number of leaves that fall in a year
the box never of 2009 is ,432,456,098,576,561,234,567,203,023,
The newly added "new box, also known as lazy box, also known as shitty box, also known as turd box. .
Use it like this. Why is this dude jumping up shitty box( New box / lazy box/ shitty box / turd box) ??!!
A term for smoking pot in your boyfriends bedroom with the door closed after taking a shower and shit in that order.
Most of the world knows this as hot boxing.
Victoria has frank open the door to the apartment so she could go take a large car box in her boyfriends bedroom.
When you’re in the car and eating something greasy and cheesy like Taco Bell without the ac on and windows rolled up. The windows begin condensating and next thing you know you’re sitting in a hot box full of breath. Best done with 2 or more people
Roll the fuckin window down it’s such a breath box in here
When you jack in the box of your jack in the box food
Yo bro I did the Jack in the box challenge my GF was so surprised
No way bro Ima try it out now