Dum stupid person big ugly pants
“Ahh no I forgot my car keys” “Wow bob your really acting like Doan N the penguin she’s so stupid and ugly and dum dum
A softball event where participants must shotgun a beer before each at bat.
Robyn and Patrick went to the chug n slug last weekend. Robyn smoked too much weed to even get out of the dugout but Patrick hit 5 home runs. Then she gave him a hot Carl behind the right field fence.
This is the super bitch of all super bitches ever come across her you would know
This super bitch Laura N
Daniela is my dream girl, she has short brown curly hair, she’s a dancer and singer, and plays basketball ball, (not officially )
The act of browsing the web while at work. In other words, doing anything on your computer other than work.
Joe: work is going by so slow today
Bob: yeah man, I’ve just been clickin’ n dickin’ since 10am.
a. record playing at the wrong speed
b. fast forward while playind a tape
When do you stop drug n bass ?
This guitarist is playing with drug n bass.
The small mouse sings drug n bass for a fallen tooth.
When you’ve become too fast, and too furious, just like those movies, but before they were a thing. King of the peanut butter gang
God damn, PB N ARB better say it wicha chest!