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A group of people who are not very friendly but they do watch things and react

Example: meet the greens make sure you make the greens proud and not piss them off

by User T70 July 7, 2024


when someone is green it means they are a whore ( originated in the DMV AREA)

yeah she green

by prettyassdemii July 26, 2021


adj. used to describe a person as fake or a snake.

Bitch you green as fuck

by xime.nuhh December 10, 2019


When a bitch got community pussy or talks to multiple guys, fuck and or sucks multiple guys or give her attention to multiple guys

Shawty green asf

by d.ddotttt April 14, 2023



You green asf

by d.ddotttt April 14, 2023


Stupid, slow , dumb .

Boy : you the only girl I mess with

Girl : nigga I’m not green I saw you with dajah the other day .

Boy : I just hit Sophie raw

Other boy: nigga you green that bitch pregnant .

by Lolhaeeeee June 26, 2019


when your excessively mad.

He got green after he lost the tournament.

by JCR. September 19, 2022