A girl who only likes guys for their truck.
Hannah is such a truck slut she’s only dating him for his truck.
will fuck anyone with a truck. goes after older men. there names are normally ashley!
omg look at ashley. she's such a truck slut.. stupid whore
Brie Brie
That chick is a truck slut, oh her name must be Brie Brie
A female who will sleep with a guy only if he has a “nice truck” (ex. Lifted trucks/this may be based solely off her opinion) while she knows nothing about said truck (other than what it’s like in the backseat.)
Erica is such a truck slut, she’s only on his dick because he drives a lifted Chevy.
a person who lives in the east coast who tends to be a hoe
person 1: “hey what happened with you and @cobygotstacks ?”
person: “oh, i found out he was a city slut”
A girl who acts suggestively or flirty with lots of men, but will only really be a hoe for one male at a time. She does not “belong to the streets,” she belongs to that one guy only, though he and others probably don’t know it because she’s so flirty.
Person 1: Look at Amanda flirting with all those guys, she must be so easy.
Person 2: Nah, we all know she’s an exclusive slut for Josh only.