Source Code

Fat Potential Rating, FPR

A Rating System developed by Dr. L. R. to give an accurate rating of the potential weight capacity level of a female. It is based on the principle that a woman will get fatter as she grows older, the only question is how much.

The formula is yet to be released but it is known that the base mathematics involves calculating a woman's current height and weight along with that of her parent's current weight and height. There is a complex measurement of stress as well because it is a known fact that stressed women have the potential of getting fat.

Betty is very skinny now but due to her FPR (Fat Potential Rating, FPR) of 4.3 she has a high chance of becoming quite obese by the age of 33.

by Jack Nubs February 13, 2007

10๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

hook me up fat

a command to be provided with more of something

"Yo Killa D, hook me up fat with some of that sweet potato pie!"


-"Would you like to try some of the pea soup that I prepared?"
-"Yeah, hook me up fat."

by E Lo 11 March 21, 2008

13๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fat Girls Try Shit

As it sounds really. The age old saying that you can try almost anything with a fat girl. May also be used to describe a girl that you or your friend have tried shit with.

Hmm, Si, is that Fat Girls Try Shit over there?

by Anonymous May 20, 2003

40๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fat Girls Having Fun

Used to discribe a photograph, video, or real-life scenario that depicts two or more fat girls having a good time. The same situations or media produced or acted by skinny girls would be seen as cute and fun and their good-time would be envied by all.

In the case of fat girls, their attempts to copy the good times of skinny girls are intepreted as "desperate" and hilariously sad.

Evidence of fat girls having fun can often be found in facebook or myspace photoalbums taken in front of bathroom mirrors, before high school dances, or by apple photobooth. Worst of course, are the photos taken by the beach.

Throwing up gang signs or making seductive kissy faces are quite common.

Girl 1: "Did you see Ellie and Liberty's photoshoot in the Torrid dressing room?"

Girl 2: "I did. Can you say "fat girls having fun?"

by 3girlsgonewild June 14, 2010

35๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž

Universal Fat Guy Rule

The well known rule that fat people may make fat jokes or comments at other fat people without offending them.

It is not required to say "Universal Fat Guy Rule" after a big guy makes a comment to another, nor is it to just say "UFGR".

Skinny Guy: Nice moobs, Joe!
Joe (Who's a hefty fellow) : *punch to the face*

Harold (Also a big guy): Nice moobs, Joe!
Joe: *starts to look offended, but remembers the Universal Fat Guy Rule* "Thanks!"

by AShiftyLookingFatGuy June 15, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

fat bitch, got nits

a term used to define someone who eats all the time or is unpresentable. Also used as a querky comment!

timothy says "ohh im soo hungry!"
theodor replies "ya fat bitch, got nits!"

by macca, lisa and cristina June 3, 2006

11๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

fat shit dick licker

when you take a shit and try to blow yourself

Zack stop being a fat shit dick licker!

by T-MONEY May 5, 2003

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