A term used when kidnapping someone in hopes of getting paid big, even if unlikely to succeed.
Hey boys, let's go miracle fishing today! Maybe we'll get lucky this time.
To have a message reacted to (mostly in the form of emoji reactions on Discord), by the ๐ emoji, to display that one believes said message is worthy to be reacted to by a ๐ emoji.
tf is the deal with fish reacting i don't get it
This man above me, fish react him.
"Matt Fish-ingโ someone is when you say you'll talk to someone, but then don't answer your phone."
Did you talk to John? I was supposed to, but he Matt Fish-ed me all day.
A true ladies man in his own eyes- often looking lost with a dumb look on his face. He is an Ogre but a softy. Falls in love faster than a desperate lesbian and will take anything home to meet mom. Known for his skills in strength and crying instantaneously. He is however a good guy and a loyal friend.
That Matt Fish is a stupid mook- told the stripper he is in love with her after one lap dance.
When a woman promises more interesting sexual practices in the future after a certain date (ie. Marriage, engagement, etc) but then goes back on those promises.
Bob got snatch fished by Karen when she told him she'd only do doggy style after they got married. Turns out she's a missionary only girl.
the ability to transform into a fish due to and overdose of fish oil pills
"oh dam i did a fish transformation into a fish now cus of da fish pills"