Street Slang Meanin' What's Goin' On With You?, What's Goin' On With Yew?, How Are You Doin'?, How Yew Doin'?, What's Trendin' With You?, What's Trendin' With Yew?, What's New With You? & What's New With Yew?
"Yo Killa Cam!! What's Good Witchu? Zero. Erstreet At Ever Soo Much At Ever Str8 Thuggin', Ever Str8 Stuntin' & Ever Livin' Life Fully." - Erstreet Harlem aka Harlem, Flea, Kiery Weiry & Freshley.
The good-option dilemma is that typical scenario where—for example—some evil authority figure holding you hostage gives you two options: one where you suffer the most and the other where you don't suffer as long as you give them what they want. Obviously you pick the second option out of desperation, but the dilemma here is that no matter what option you choose, in the end the evil figure will still make you suffer (typically by being killed or watching your loved ones die).
I had a good-option dilemma today where my computer's SSD got corrupted and I either had two options: wipe everything and do a clean reinstall of Windows, or pay a few hundred bucks to have some specialist recover the contents. So I paid for the recovery but the people shipped back the wrong drive with somebody else's files! So in the end, I had to wipe my drive no matter which option I went for. This is the good-option dilemma in a nutshell.
friend: I just committed when you forget a really good word to write here so you write this instead.
me: i've been there bro.
A Jessi Gooding is someone that sits next to you in class.
"Woah, did you just sit next to me in class? You are such a Jessi Gooding"
The cocaine... is not... goood for... youuu
(Untrust Us (The cocaine is not good for you) Crystal Castles)
A dead meme that was used so much that everyone else died from cancer.
How was your last time u watched grgmlVlog
Good orange!
damaged goods
adjective: description of a person whom is inapt of a skill , characteristic, and / or physical skill or characteristic that is deemed a necessity by some social societies throughout the us noted by medical professional in mid 2023 T.M.MLPN
out of lack of personal control of judgmental thinking and the appropriate use of the english language such as " dictionary," respect , and any other defined word in the english language a woman referred to herself as damaged goods