Source Code

King Chode


Gabe walks out his room “THEE FI FO FUM” you hear coming from his humongous man spread as his microscopic nut producer claps against his balls, king chode has arrived

by gabriel engstenchode July 27, 2022

Ruin king

A ruin king is like a high king. But with sarcasm and stuff. You can say ruin king to make fun of someone's skills. Forexample "Amy is such a ruin king!" Look at her art! "Wow Amy your such a ruin king!"

Amy you ruin king

by Ruin king September 18, 2020

King Llewelyn

Thomas the rightful King Of Wales! #incest

i saw King Llewelyn the other day

by ThatRawDogger69 September 13, 2023

king hercules

Mr.420 At His Finest. 💨💨💨😤. Beast N Da Bed. Amazing Gemini. Always Says "On Chief" & "InThatOrder" Last Of A Dying Breed

I wanna be just like King Hercules

by King Hercules December 20, 2016

far king hell

Fucking hell. A joke from Australian schools.

What's the opposite of near? Far.
What's the opposite of queen? King.
What's the opposite of heaven? Hell.
Now say them all together. Far king hell.

by MinecraftBloke123 May 22, 2023


UNDISPUTED KING PRATIK is the trend done for king of #BB15


by Hvash October 30, 2021

Burger King People

Burger people are a group of chavs and gypsies wannabes who linger around the burger king entrance to the cornmill. Most are massive idiots and therefore do not attend school. Their biggest achievements include intimidation small children or old people. It would be a miracle to see these people without a cigarette.

Those burger king people do my head in

by doesntmatterlmao July 19, 2019