July 27, day when girlfriend needs to suck your d
Today is the national sucking d day
Rick: Hey whats the day?
Bob: Hey, today is the national d day.
Rick: Happy D Day!
Abby D is the best friend I could have ever asked for, shes by my side constantly and she’s always honest with me, she’s the best person I’ve ever met and I know she’d fight to the death for em
Me: dude my best friend just came to see me and brought my favourite drink on a bad day
Friends: you must be friends with Abby D
A variation of l'3 basically nearly the same thing except this explains how people saying that you must compliment someone on a specific day and or using extreme amount of emojis is a ro-tard or a le'Gay type of person.
These people are basically worse then VSCO girls and need to be slained with power of thot slayer swodr
l'3'd the variaton of l'3 an insult to say spammers who copy others are cringe and embarrassing to look at and are more embarrassing than a VSCO girl.
D-MAX, or DMAX, is Dimethylallylxanthine. Sometimes 10 times stronger than Caffeine (TMX, Trimethylxanthine), yet the same amount of heart stimulation. So 20mg DMAX will feel like 200mg of Caffeine in mental effects, yet be super mild on the heart and blood pressure like 20mg Caffeine. While caffeine kicks in in 1/2 an hour, DMAX kicks in at 3 hours.
Dave: I tried 20mg of DMAX (or D-MAX) and it kicked in at around 3 hours. It felt like a Monster energy drink. It's super caffeine.
basically a female with a d on her head. you know what I'm saying right?😏🍆
Kid: Hey Mum I saw a girl with a Female D-head on her head
Mum: 😳 Excuse me!? To your room now
The thinking that goes on while thinking over a current obstacle, while drinking or previously drinking
Oh so yall used that D&T to get out that puddle in two wheel?
A group of two friends whose names begin with the letters D and T
Guy 1 "Those two sure are close, you think they're an item?"
Guy 2 " Nah they're just D&T"