when a person or persons receives inferior drugs (particularly marijuana) from their dealer while still having to pay premium prices.
Chad: "Check out this bag I just got"
Tony: "Dude... You just got poop-shoed. This shit sucks."
Chad: " Fuck you Tony"
a dumb sloot who is said to be shitting but realy is away from everyone
guy: where'd the sloot go?
guy2: she said she went to charge her phone
guy1:she's deffinatley poopin
guy2:poop sloot.....
Someone who masturbates to feces.
Jimmy had noted how Timmy is a poop shiggler.
1 When you keel over while being pooped on.
2 When you die in a comical fashion.
3 A word you use when you cannot think of anything else.
4 When you keel over from a devastating loss, it is often in a comical manner.
And as the ball landed hardly on her face and the next she knew, she was pooping over, and she died quietly. The referees said that she had died from a devastating loss.
One of the two most funniest words put together in the English Dictionary. (if used properly)
1) You fucking poop doodie ass bitch.
2) I need to take a pood doodie.
the greatest math teacher in all the land. prince poop can find derivatives like the rest of them, he also has huge sex appeal
prince poop, how do i find the derivative of this problem??