Noun: a type of body buzz, similar to a high from shooting roids or heroin, but it is a natural buzz that comes from being diddled harshly by authority figures like Kunt, Gev, or Barma. Also a feeling that can be caused by being around naperville faggots or shooting baskets with other kunts at yellow box or doing things in other situations that causes a similar feeling of being a total twatwaffle.
Render dawggie: Yo brahs, what yous gettin into today ?
Key Monny : hey nigrums, im all about getting that chad effect!
Cassata nems: should we hit up the box? Or you guys thinkin of gettin our balls smashed at launch nems by a dirty ass kunt palmer for that deep chad effect buzz?
Turns girls wild and makes them say words such as heck or frick
Person 1: you've been a bit different lately
Person 2: yeah it's the mason effect
The feeling of rejuvenation that comes with a hair-cut or shave, coined from the myth associated with a phoenix ability to combust and raise from its ashes.
To feel the phoenix-effect after shaving.
Listening to a song over and over so much you start to love it
Jerry: You know Jackson's listening to Ella Fitzgerald now?
Johnny: That's The Fallout effect for ya
The Wang Effect occurs when being in close proximity with a member of the Wang Clan. Mutated radio rays radiate off the person and into your brain. Everybody in the same room as this person becomes noticeably dumber. People on the same planet as this person will also experience severe depression and migraines. The Wang Effect is recognized as a class 6 chemical weapon by 146 countries and is banned by the Geneva convention.
Please notify the police immediately if you experience the Wang Effect as a dangerous member of the Wang clan may be nearby.
When you make food and you think it tastes better than it actually does because you put time into it
Friend 1: “Do you like this food? I spent all day making it!”
Friend 2: “Nah it’s trash. You just like it because of the JoeSauce Effect”
The Jeremy Effect is when somebody says something and then repeats it but slows down their voice each them they repeat it.
Person1: "Burger"
Person1: "Bbuurrggeerr"
Person1: "Bbbuuurrrgggeeerrr"
Person2: "It's the Jeremy Effect!