When a female attempts to have sex with a man at the end of her period but fails to mention she hasn't finished menstrating.
That bitch tried to give me some Arkansas Boiled Meat but I hit her with that red nosed dragon instead.
To spend your money as fast as you get it, with reckless abandon.
She would spend her money like a meat-eating whore.
That which is reluctantly needed. Sufficient, yet lacking. Of dubious provenance, yet oddly compelling.
Fat yet zesty, she was like a bucket of twemf meat.
An insult used by 10th graders dating 7th graders trying to defend how disgusting they are
“I’m dating a 7th grader, and this guy knows how wrong it is, He’s a day dreamer meat beater”
“Dude, why isn’t fetching the ball?”
“Because he’s a meat fetcher”
A human male's penis in the action of dispersing semen.
Tim had a problem with his meat volcano always firing blanks.
A spicy meat stick is a synonym for a penis with an STD.
Ugh, I went on a date last week and I was gonna go down on him in the bathroom until I saw he had a Spicy Meat Stick!!