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A rude and racist way of saying ‘black person

Jamal is a black nigger

by The Word Explainer Canada February 25, 2022


Why the fuck did you type in the hard-R into Urban Dictionary to see what would come up? What, are you 12? Stop searching the N word to see what comes up and go touch some grass and maybe get a life while you’re at it

12 year old: *searches up “nigger” to see what comes up*

Also I have the N-word pass so I’m not racist

by qw3r1y September 23, 2023


Can be any color & or race. Does not matter if ur white, black, Hispanic, Native or any other race. How a person acts & behaves. Being annoying doing petty, childish shit. Double crossing so called friends. Being a Jew or doing jewish things.

That idiot always tried to start shit with people,always being jewish. He's a fkg nigger..

by Trixxy Crisp September 14, 2023


An offensive term used towards black people. It's been reclaimed, and black people use it to address their friends. (I'm black.)

Racist Comment Involving The N-Word
Did you see the new girl? She's pretty cute for a nigger.

Addressing Friend
Yooo! Wassup my nigga?

(I'm black, this is for educational purposes only.)

by glowgutz April 22, 2022


You are most likely white trying to hold back this word in a game of COD

Oh fuck you nigger 1v1 me

by idrxpezyclps December 13, 2022


Ignorant people. Point blank

Fucking nigger

by Rachel82 September 9, 2021




by January 6, 2022