A rude and racist way of saying ‘black person’
Why the fuck did you type in the hard-R into Urban Dictionary to see what would come up? What, are you 12? Stop searching the N word to see what comes up and go touch some grass and maybe get a life while you’re at it
12 year old: *searches up “nigger” to see what comes up*
Also I have the N-word pass so I’m not racist
Can be any color & or race. Does not matter if ur white, black, Hispanic, Native or any other race. How a person acts & behaves. Being annoying doing petty, childish shit. Double crossing so called friends. Being a Jew or doing jewish things.
That idiot always tried to start shit with people,always being jewish. He's a fkg nigger..
An offensive term used towards black people. It's been reclaimed, and black people use it to address their friends. (I'm black.)
Racist Comment Involving The N-Word
Did you see the new girl? She's pretty cute for a nigger.
Addressing Friend
Yooo! Wassup my nigga?
(I'm black, this is for educational purposes only.)
You are most likely white trying to hold back this word in a game of COD
Oh fuck you nigger 1v1 me