the person. man or woman. whom usually has a blog of their own. and convinces you to create 1 for yourself.
charlie suggested i create a blog of my own and in doing so became my blogger daddy.
To desperatly curry favor with somebody.
She was in serious need of money, so she had to Slurp Daddy's Tongue of her boss.
He Slurps Daddy's Tongue of his girlfriend parents, because he really wants to take her with him on a trip.
Imma need to Slurp Daddy's Tongue of Jesus, cause imma bout to be dragged down to the god damn hell, and hell no I ain't goin there.
To desperatly curry favor with somebody.
She was in a serious need of money, so she had to Slurp Daddy's Tongue oh his Boss.
He Slurps Daddy's Tongue of his girlfriend parents, because he really wants to take her with him on a trip.
Imma need to Slurp Daddy's Tongue of Jesus, cause imma bout to be dragged to down the god damn hell, and hell no I ain't goin' there.
When you desperatly want to curry fevor with somebody.
She didin't have the money to obtain a new car, so she had to Slurp Daddy's Tongue of her parents.
He was in a serious need of money, so he was forced to Slurp Daddy's Tongue of his Boss.
He Slurps Daddy's Tongue of his girlfriend parents, because he really wants to take her on a trip.
Imma need to Slurp Daddy's Tongue of Jesus, cause imma bout to be dragged to the god damn hell.
Usually said in bed during gay intercourse when the “Daddy Thickums” is taking the penis in the asshole.
Ur so good at anal Daddy Thickums
big daddy jon is a big badass that can call you baby boi when you pass him in the hall or at a Raider meet
big daddy jon helped me get over that 12 foot wall in december