Rapper from Montgomery Al Born 01/09/1996
Homie G Believe In Me Baby out now on youtube
Rapper From Montgomery Al Born 01/09/1996
Homie G "Believe In Me Baby" out now on youtube !
Homeboy gangster. Also used, in some contexts, to mean Homosexual Gay.
What's up, Homie G?
Homie G is a “real one”. It means: Homie Grandpa. Even though he’s older, you’re never to old to be a gangster.
Person 1: Hey Homie G what’s poppin?
Homie G: Hey!
Homie G is a term for a homless gangster
that HOMIE G is so cheap he cant even buy a trailer.
'geh weg' reference, meaning 'go away' in german
or a weak g
A: "Hey, let's talk !"
B: "G weak"
E and G ;p are at the engineering showcase at the materials check-out table! Say hi to them!