Continuing to deceive with blatant falsehoods when you are clearly lying.
Why are you still trumping I can see the cookie crumbs in tour mouth.
Are you trumping me?
You can stop trumping to me I see the lipstick on your collar.
1. (Verb) The act of losing a competition but continuing business or acting as if you had won.
2. (Verb) Pretending you have won a competition you have clearly lost.
Even though they were knocked out in the quarter finals, the Russian national Olympic basketball team walked on the podium to receive gold medals; they continued trumping other disciplines as well including table tennis and equestrian.
Acting like you know what the hell you doin, but really you don’t know jack shit about anything!
man I drove with Trev the other day say he know how to drive stick, that nigga be trumpin that shit.
maya don’t know how to give good head, she be trumping all on my dick like a broken vacuum.
Acting like you know what tha hell you doin but really you don’t know jack shit bout anything!
drove with Trev the other day, said he know how to drive stick, sheesh that nigga trumping as hell.
Maya don’t know how to suck dick, she be trumping on that thing like a dead vacuum cleaner.
To talk over your opponent in a debate like a total buffoon to disrupt the flow and rhythm of the verbal exchange. Trumping can include but is not limited to saying things like "wrong!", "I didn't say that", "you're fake news!", "I did a better job than you'll ever do!", etc. No true arguments of substance are actually made. It is just a bunch of shouting over the other person, interjecting whataboutisms, repeating false statements (as if repeating it makes it magically true), utilizing false statistics, deflecting from a question, setting up strawman arguments, etc. Basically whoever shouts the loudest wins the argument.
Person 1: Man, I tried to argue with that guy and he was totally just trumping me.
Person 2: What a Trumptard.
Having an entitled/victim mentality. Having more then others and whining and crying about anything that doesn't go your way. It's never your fault and someone else is always to blame.
"Dude I failed the test. This teacher is out to get me!"
"Man stop trumping, teach doesn't have it out for you... You just didn't study."
to lie.
Everyone needs to stop Trumping on a daily bases.