The act of smoking from a bong where the user over-consumes the smoke and therefore has to take three tokes to clear the chamber
Man, lemme take a toke before you. The bowls dont last long with you keep taking 3-Pete’s
Linda the cutest person ever????!
Absolutely gorgeous & stunning and has amazing long hair. Beautiful inside and out.
Talking to her is so fun!!
Her>>>>>everyone else. She’s funny, hot, strong, emotional and smart. Linda loves dogs & anime. Linda cares about people she loves and once you meet Linda you should never let her go. show her how many ppl love her and that she deserves to be loved!! Because sometime in your life. You're really going to need her.
Linda<3 The cutest person I’ve ever met, i love her
The level in Super Mario 35 where all hopes and dreams die as you slowly fall into despair
Someone: is on 1-3
Someone else: "this guy is on 1-3, everyone, send your attacks to him"
When someone says that they liked someone and began to date them because he felt the pressure that didn't exist and now he is so deep and the girl's parents expect a sign for homecoming and he doesn't know what to do.
Group leader it's a code kk and 3/4th k.
3 a.m. challenge videos are super gay challenges (with the exception of Condom Challenge) that sprouted form the depths of hell known as the YouTube community. When this challenge came along, a lot of YouTubers jumped on the train, started milking it, and made videos that contained complete shit. Many people believe that the main culprits of this gay challenge whom cannot atone for the sins they've harbored during this colonial shit age of YouTube, are yours truly Durv, Morgz, and *inhale* n&a productions. They are probably the reason why countless YouTubers are still doing this "challenge" for their 7 yr old fanbase. Overall the 3 a.m. challenge is a super gay challenge that turned YouTube into a shit bonanza must be stopped, otherwise innocent people will be vacuumed into the shit abyss known as the YouTube community.
Kid #1: Bro did you watch "Do not call weenie the pooh at 3 a.m."? It is super scary, bro
Kid #2 : Bro I was in the middle of watching it until my father took my device away and grounded me for eternity.
Kid #1: Bro, I'm in your condolences, you missed the sex scene at the end, bro.
Kid #2: Bro, in that case, I'm gonna go call at 3 a.m.!
Kid #3: Gay gays, don't you know that the 3 a.m. challenge videos are complete bullshit?!
An incompetent or a lazy person who tries tro explain what they have done, e.g. in a scrum meeting.
Manager: What did you do yesterday?
Tamto: Umm, thing 1, thing 2..... 3 5