DEFINITION #1: A style or a type of music genre
Definition 2: Short word for emotional
Hey, did you see presley? She looks so emo
A emo is a teenager, usually like 14 to 16 years old who is really emotional, listens to really crazy metal/rock music, likes dark, strange and & emotional and expressive things & dresses in black and has a hard time smiling.
There usually lonely and depressed (but not always) and keep a journal and write angsty poems that they plan on making into songs and they might be in a band.
They probably have weird niche taste, like the video game Undertale (& Deltarune to) and listen to My Chemical Romance a lot aggressively.
A accurate depiction of emos is Octavia in the webseries Helluva Boss. (Who is loved by many irl emos for being relatable)
Kid 1: "Hey who's that quite guy with the headphones on all the time blasting the Black Parade?"
Kid 2: "Oh that's just Kurt, he's emo."
Finally a definition of emo by a guy who actually WAS one!
Emo is a common phrase used to bully others, but in reality! Emo actually stants for Eat Me Out
Shaneesz: Emo haJehAhahahhjah
Kandez: Shaneesz! You know what that stands for right?!
Shaneesz: No? What does it stand for, Kandez?
Kandez: Emo stands for "Eat Me Out", you dumb cunt!
Shaneesz: Well shit... EMO! PLEASE! SOMEONE EMO!!
jesslyn rangasanga
bro did u see jesslyn
yh bro she a phat emo
Some angsty teenager who's life is often well off but they ignore and push every one who loves and cares about them away so they can have an excuse to say (i am one wants me) so they can get attention. Their basically ignorant egotistical stubborn attention whores. And if your life is really fucked up then dont be a duche bag about it and rant around talking about how your life sucks and that you are useless because your just bringing your negative behavior down on others.
Ok..their is a high school full of happy energetic student s right? And then theirs just that one group of wanna be liars who have to be asshole and bitch about their well off lifes supposedly"sucking". Its pretty pathetic and usaully people who's life condition s are at a pretty bad level dont really talk about it and just go with it. Oh yeah and they usually say"they dont have friends" they wonder why they dont.
Bob: "hey joe whats goin on man?"
Joe:"go away,my life sucks,fuck you."
Bob: "well geez Joe, yuh. Dont have to be an emo fuck about it."