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Someone that dates a lot of people or sleeps with anyone.

Aye twin, that hoe green as fuc.

by bigmarieeee March 10, 2023


A person that isn't cool.

John: Did you know that Johnny is green?

James: No, I had no idea, but it makes sense.

by Ecoblaster99 January 19, 2021


A word describing someone who is selfish or inconsiderate, mostly used in Florida

Guy1: Yoooo that dame green

Guy2: How Zoee?

Guy1: She left me take her to the bnb, And didn’t let me greaseeee homie

by NlaeRehT April 29, 2020


Is a colour lol what else did you think

The hat is green u dockhead

by A indian August 19, 2021


Existence of life!

Plants grow & are GREEN!

by TrumpTheKiđkissingSexoffenđer. October 24, 2020


the colour of Jeffrey

He is green

by qwdfvbjkop November 29, 2021


Somebody who gets passed around alot or is everybodys girlfriend

Twin dat ho green af

by Larralobsta August 17, 2023