Gaynada is a very shitty high school in North Santa Clara. It has a ratio of 1 boy to 8 girls (approx.). It is great for playboys and fuckboys who want to have multiple hoes, but if you want a boyfriend, you will have to fight for him. All in all, the teachers are really racist and annoying while the students are gay, bisexual, or transgender. They force us girls to wear scarfs on our heads while in school and the uniform is really uncomfortable and itchy. It is very ironic that the name is Gaynada and the students are also really gay at all times. Most students who go to this school want to leave ASAP and feel depressed.
Granada High School (Gaynada) : A private high school in north Santa Clara.
Did you know that he goes to Gaynada?
I have never been to Granada High School
A room where horny teenagers eagerly look at the reproductive system posters on the walls
High school guy: "Dude, I can't wait to check out those STD slideshows in my high school health class, but only for the girl parts. I'm not gay or anything."
A high school in nodaway county Missouri. Located in the town of Burlington Junction, its district encompasses the other local towns of Elmo and Clearmont.(Quitman isn’t real) It is an incredibly poor school for the area and it suffers for it. It’s sport are the laughing stock of NW Missouri. The kids are dumber than shit and most alumni avoid being associated with it. The administration are actual tyrants or kiddie diddlers. The main cliches are the hicks, emos, skids, sluts and jocks. Oddly enough all of these groups somehow get along. Then again when your class is so small it can’t make a baseball team roster you kinda have to get along with other groups.
We maybe poor and retarded at West Nodaway High School but at least we aren’t North Nodaway!
a school where the students know more than the teachers
john: hey man our school is just another colne valley high school
bob: at least it isnt colne valley high school
Southern Lehigh High School is a place that was curated by the devil himself. If you are looking to become calloused by a place and the people within it, you have come to the right place. There is a certain cruelty and hatred that exists here that is unfathomable and unbelievable. Surrounded by a depressing atmosphere of flat, wet, fields that were often cold and plagued with a wicked wind chill, you cannot even escape the coldness of the people you are surrounded by. There is no diversity in terms of beliefs, race, religion, sexuality or honestly any other factor. It is a bubble that is hardly escaped because it is only in this high school that racism, homophobia, and other forms of blatant disrespect and ignorance are swept under the rug time and time again. The administration is no better than the student body, as most of them attended nearby high schools with similar beliefs.
"Did you hear about the bomb threat at Southern Lehigh High School?"
"Oh, yeah. Some kid did it to get out of an English test I think."
Hick high school in the middle of a shit ton of fields. With pervy teachers and shitty rules.
AKA: Why Try
Student 1: Hey, don't you go to Wayne Trace High School?
Student 2:Oh, you mean why try high lol
New Albany High School. New Albany is basically a refugee sanctuary for parents that are afraid of their children sanity running away from Westerville City Schools. This school is so dead the only exciting thing that happened here was a bomb threat we stayed home for that shit if some typa shit like that happened over at Westerville they would’ve turned a blind eye. No one knows our principals there’s like 10 Assistants why do they need so much I think they have orgys for conferences. Most people don’t even know our principles name. Also that place is big asf. They need to put that bitch in google maps, like IN A 100 feet turn left head ass. Everyone here is so rich niggas be pullin up in corvettes and maseratis, but there’s always that one dude that pulls up in his moms 05’ Toyota corolla. But they are better then the people that come in the bus the buses are packed, bus drivers angry, middle school and high school combined it’s a mess. School lunches aren’t that bad it’s actually kinda good but it doesn’t stop the rich kids from going to Wendy’s or subway. School rating 4/10
New Albany High School is so dead.