Big D Lace is the manliest man of all time. He emanates testosterone and makes every man around him feel lesser.
E.g. "Hey bro, I saw this absolute stallion at the mall before."
"He sounds like a bit of a Big D Lace to me."
"I know right!!!"
The humorous knighted-Scottish-actor impersonation that you eye-twinkingly utilize to address your companion(s) when letting them into a building of some kind where the "regular" entrance had been either locked, jammed, or obstructed with objects/debris on the inside, and so you have "gone around" and slipped into said edifice from an alternate door or other opening that you know about from previous visits here, wormed your way forward through the interior of the structure till you eventually reached the front access-point again, cleared away any blockage from the doorway-area, and then finagled/wrestled said door open for easier and less-obtrusive entry by your accompanying humans; this saves their all having to tiringly make extra steps all the way over to the side-entrance, slither through narrow doorways, clamber over obstructions, unnecessarily disturb other present occupants of said building, etc..
Years ago before we had a telephone of our own, my sister and I would occasionally go to make calls at the office of a fellow-low-income-neighbor's service-garage. The only problem was that the shop's French-window-style front door had a broken/loose latch-mechanism, and thus the door was often very balky about opening up from the outside. So to save my slight-figured and not-very-steady-on-her-extra-small-feet sister's having to wobblingly struggle her way into the office by an alternate route, I would merely leave her standing at the front door of the garage while I performed a classic "Welcome to The R-d-d-d-ock!" maneuver --- I'd hurriedly scuttle around back, quietly sidle in at the mechanics'-access door, unobtrusively pick my way through the service-bays where the guys were working and on into the office's rear entrance, forcibly fumble and jiggle the wobbly latch-mechanism to coax the front door into performing its "open sesame" routine, and then smilingly usher my still-patiently-waiting sister inside the office and over to the old swivel-chair by the desk where the phone was.
Lions attacking a herd in D formation, usually in packs of six or greater.
D-Lyons use tango sweep formation.
the most dynamic duo ever. best stalkers. get all the older boys. AKA the 8th graders. if u find E and D around the halls just know ur blessed. everyone knows who they are they're pretty freaking cool. they skip class to go to the high school. always together best friends in the whole entire freaking world. we love FaceTime. FaceTime is our thing. love getting in trouble from teachers because we are late. if u get d and es snap, ur blessed.
8th grader: hey these girls Emily and Danielle added me on snap
8th grader #2: add them back, Theyre sooooo cool. Im already best friends with them
8th grader #3: um well im in love with one of them. I love E and D
A girl who’s strong but when Jack Brown is around she’s with him. She loves men like Jack Brown.
“she’s such an alice D
A prestigious mixed drink containing skol Vodka and sunny Delight orange juice
Trev: Hey man you wanna get smashed tonight?? Ill Bring the Skol
Bert:Ah I dunno man, That stuff is poison
Trev: Ah don't worry man Sunny D was on sale today so we'll have some skoly-D and drink like kings
Bert: Oh thank God