A girl who's having a boyfriend for the second time in her life.
When she has an ex-boyfriend.
You're second-hand girl but I still love you.
1) When a younger sibling feels entitled to everything their elder sibling owns.
1)Agh! My little sister stole my new Mac lipstick again! She's got total hand me downs syndrome!
To use your hockey stick like Paul Bunyan chopping down players legs. Intentionally slashing a player usually in retaliation to a dirty play.
Teammate: "what happened behind the play on that last shift"
You: "that rat 63 took a late run at me so I two handed him"
When someone doesn't wash their hands after they poop, leaving feces in between their nails and embedded in their cuticles.
Watch out when Grandma pinches your cheeks.
Can also be used as a nick name. Example: Grandma Hershey Hands
I wouldn't eat that dip if I were you. Grandma double dipped and she's got Hershey Hands.
Oh no, Grandma Hershey hands is eating my fries!
When you squeeze a fat boys dick and then rub it with a flat hand
the act of farting in your hand and throwing it at another person
person 1: what’s that bad smell??
person 2: i just hit you with the dutch hand ahahahahah
"look, there is Ben Hand! He is such a *dumb/ugly/small dick powered* fuck"