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high speed chicken feed

a common drug in middle america also known as meth or tweek

hey dude did you get any tweek yah it runs clear lets get high

by james July 21, 2004

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brown chicken, brown cow

An onomatopaeic imitation of the guitar riff commonly heard in 1970's porn movies.

Jim: "Hey, where are Abby and Jake?"
Tom: "Brown chicken, brown cow."

by yaaqov March 29, 2008

6975๐Ÿ‘ 4021๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wave a Dead Chicken Over It

A term commonly used in technology meaning to do some useless, unhelpful thing in hopes it will solve a problem. For example, restarting your computer.

Intern: AGH! My computer froze!
Supervisor: Well, why don't you just wave a dead chicken over it; restart it.

by Leah77777777777777777777 August 9, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Oh my Chicken Nuggets

Phrase to denote either frustration or suprise. simlar to "oh my lanta" or "oh my gosh"

"Oh my chicken nuggets, you have to be kidding me"

by Simba in P.C. January 1, 2010

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Big Nigga Chicken Bucket

A 1,200 pound fried chicken bucket only the biggest of niggas can eat.

I'll have a big nigga chicken bucket.

by TyphoonWigga March 13, 2019

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Sweet n Power Chicken

Ricky, from the Trailer Park Boys, favorite chinese dish

Save me some of that sweet n power chicken Sara

by Ryan May 14, 2004

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Cheese nip fried chicken

instead of using breadcrumbs or flour for batter to fry the chicken in,
grind cheese nips into a power and coat it in that instead.

fry till a nice golden orange/yellow colour, bake for another 20 mins till cooked and you're ready to go (Y)

How was the cheese nip fried chicken yesterday?

by Paddy O'Mally January 23, 2009

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