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John Carlos

A man that could pull out a confidence out of a girl. Makes someone take risk by being adventurous. A ride or die partner.

That John Carlos helped me to become who I am today.

by jcwife_nics November 23, 2021

thomas john cairney

A dumb brunette that is abnormally tall and is obsessed with soccer. He thinks he's so funny but he's actually not and he is very shy when you first meet him.

I think I just met a Thomas John Cairney today! He was super tall, shy, and good at soccer.

by TJ gives BJ's December 23, 2016

John Snowed

When you smoke way to much weed and whitey

"I had two balloons of vapour and went to a very very dark place." John Snowed last night

by D4rk1sthel1ght March 4, 2015


To be praised for your natural skill or leadership and given a promotion or additional responsibility against your will or expectation

You’ve been John-snowed
I’ve been John-snowed

by November 18, 2020

John's Incredible Pizza

Like Chuck E. Cheese, but not ghetto. It also has a goddamned buffet with some of the most delicious, diabetes-inducing junk food you will ever try.

John's Incredible Pizza was the shit back in the day. Everybody wanted to have a birthday party there.

by Aubergine Dave September 22, 2022

John Yes

You want to go somewhere but your schedule might not allow it.

It is also a reply to John NO.

Want to hear a joke?? John NO. JOHN YES

Do you want to come to the fiesta? A JOHN YES

by the_onelegdogman April 13, 2018

John raymond co

A beautiful boy. Both man and woman want him. People adore his cute and handsome face. He's the funniest. He keeps his coolness. In love he is "numb" he didn't know who really cares for him. This name sigifinies "unravel love" there's a lot of challenges and trial that'll come to find his true love. I love every thing this John raymond co have, no matter what people say. He loves everything. He'll never be afraid of anything. Always be who you are and love yourself first. I love you.

John raymond Co is the best man/boy that I'll ever know.

by Rayro March 7, 2022