"T comp" can be defined as a term referring to an individual with exceptionally strong aura, typically employed in a hospital setting, who experiences bouts of vomiting or "munting" on a biweekly basis. The term encapsulates both the metaphysical and practical aspects of their existence, highlighting their unique energy presence and the periodic physical manifestation of their condition.
The hospital's staff whispered in awe as the T comp glided down the corridor, their potent aura palpable to all, though their absence from work every other Friday due to biweekly "munting" episodes
“H/h/t/n or h/t/n” means his name, her name, there name. When writing a fan fiction story you can put that down so that people can have a much more variety then just having h/n as his name or her name you can include “there name” as well
“I can’t wait to tell h/t/n we are going ice skating!”
The shittiest soundcloud rapper to ever grace this earth. He thinks hes spitting but the only things hes spitting on is big black dudes balls. He also runs like he has a 18 inch rainbow dildo up his ass at all times.
Pierce: "Hey who's that fucking faggot over there?"
Jake:"Thats just t-t bro."
(emoji) used in texts or cyber chats to express boredom or sarcastic sadness. It can either be typed or written as T-T (with a hypen/underscore) or T_T (with a blank line)
"Hey, how's it goin'?"
"Not good T-T"
Cry, bitch.
I don't care if your father left you, or your cat got hit by a car, or your house burned down.
Get over it, pussy
Fuck you
Bitch: T-T
Man: Why you crying?
Bitch: My dog died today
Man: I don't give a fuck
Bitch: T-T
Man: Bitch