Source Code

Plan F

this is the girl/guy that you call when you are drunk and horny. You wouldn't have sex with Plan F when you are sober, but you didnt pick up anyone at the bar and cant get ahold of anyone else. Plan F is the person that no matter what time it is, he/she will always let you come over and have your way with them.

GUY1: "Ahh man, I was so wasted last night."
GUY2: "Did you meet up with Kim?"
GUY1: "No, she fell asleep and I couldn't get ahold of any of my other booty calls, so I went to Plan F's house and woke her ass up."
GUY2: "Eww, damn you must have been desparate."

by silkysmooth85 September 21, 2009

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

subtracting an F

When you subtract an F,he goes from being your Best Friend Forever to being your BoyFriend.


I've been thinking about subtracting an F with eddie for a long time, but I don't want to ruin our friendship.

by Coralynn May 17, 2007

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

f off

it means fuck off
thats all it means its plain and simple and used when your words are censored like in online chatrooms and gaming and in public places like school.

f off and die biatch translates to fuck off and die bitch
the "bad" words are replaced or omitted so you can get you point across when someone pisses you off.

Person 1 "your ugy"
Person 2 " f off"

by gina#1 February 22, 2006

123πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž


This is a rating system used for girl’s looks.

T stands for tits. given by a number out of 10.

A stands for ass. also given by a number out of 10.

F stands for face which is given by a letter grading.

Highest possible rating would be 1010A+
Lowest rating would be 00F-

Dude she’s a 19A.

You’re using the t/a/f method. Yea, she’s flat but has nice ass and a cute face.

by leinerweiner June 29, 2020

49πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

F dawg

When you go out on a date and the male doesn't pay. Going on a meal and the girl has to pay means the boy has pulled an F dawg. The boy not paying for a meal is doing an F dawg.

' oh did he pay?' ' nahh he pulled an F dawg on me'

by iamgreat! November 28, 2011

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

F Train

Short for "F" ed up train. Worst train in the NYC Subway, slow as hell, always delayed, fun for kids.

God damn, the F train is delayed again, I'll never get to Coney Island on time.

by JJthedicktionare March 24, 2021

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bacchus F

The greatest energy drink in the world. It comes from Korea, and contains a terrifying cocktail of space-age energy chemicals to keep you alert and focussed through practically anything.

I got some Bacchus F the other day, god that stuff is good.

by the birds and trees November 18, 2007

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