Source Code


L - Laughing M- My A- Ass O- off
Normal text in Twitter :)

Lmao why are you running

by Flamingo_Man May 15, 2020


laughing my anxiety off

he broke up with me lmao

by g0th b01 December 15, 2018


Lmao is an abbreviated term for "Let's meet at once ."

Often used by drug dealers & criminals as a secret code, be weary of this term as it can mean that a person is trying to meet with you and probably has bad intentions.

John: "hey Mick, how's it going, do you have have the good stuff brah?"

Mick: "yea, no worries mate, llmao."

John: "alright I'll be at the place."

by Magic beans03 April 13, 2019


"Laughing my ass off. In order to pronounce it correctly, you have to say each letter individually. L. M. A. O.
LMAO she pronounced this word wrong."- some guy on here

but if someone like your boyfriend says it in all lowercase and not uppercase when he usually does he is probably bothered/mad at something

boyfriend: lmao
girlfriend: whats wrong??

by painkiller🔪 March 14, 2023


"Laughing my ass off. In order to pronounce it correctly, you have to say each letter individually. L. M. A. O.
LMAO she pronounced this word wrong."- some guy on here

but if someone like your boyfriend says it in all lowercase and not uppercase when he usually does he is probably bothered/mad at something

boyfriend: lmao
girlfriend: whats wrong??

by painkiller🔪 March 14, 2023


lmao means 'laughing my ass off' people often use that word in message text . when something is funny.

she broke up with me lmao
this meme is funny lmao

by not depressed :D April 23, 2022


means laughing my ass off , usually used sarcastically over text sometimes meant genuinely

*sends funny video*
lmaoooo this is so funny bro you have to watch

by dumbiethicksissy May 29, 2020