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October 5th

National Nudes Day

Guy: hey it’s October 5th

Girl: oh right *sends nudes*

by Attetkumpo October 5, 2021

October 5th

October 5th, national send nudes day. So ask your bf/gf for them nudes and they have to because it’s October 5th

Guess what?

It’s October 5th!
Check your snap.

by October 6, 2021

October 5th

National ask your crush for his snap day!

Girl: Hey its October 5th, may I have your snap?
Boy: Yeah sure.

by zzcookei October 4, 2023

October 5th

National have your Asian friend named austin eat your ass out day

Hey austin eat my ass ok. Why? Said sexy beast austin. Because it’s October 5th nigga

by Pooppooo777 October 5, 2021

October 5th

National online shopping day

It’s October 5th

by Lxxlee September 20, 2021

Feb. 5th

On February 5th of every year, a girl may ask a boy for anything they desire that is achievable. They can't deny to the demand as well, if it were to be a personal question they cannot lie.

Girl: Do you like me
Boy: why do you ask?
Girl: It's Feb. 5th
Boy: oh, no i don't like you

by poweraid February 3, 2021

5th amendment

Well, it look like your pal there is complicit in the theft of intellectual property related to the current AI model. My contribution, no matter how small it SEEMS, brought AI into the mainstream and is the difference between it working the way it does now and is, therefore, cardinal to it's function. The problem of perception. The idea that you would need a massive data set and the allusion to a scaling disparity between the AI and the human brain (specifically the conversion rate between sensory data and the hippocampus). And the compression algorithm to cut down on the energy cost. All of these, posted with the intent to be published and copyrighted at the point of insemination but diverted to a place to which I have no access for the purpose of profiting off of my unpaid labor and from my property.

Hym "Your job is to uphold the constitution. And as per the 5th amendment of the constitution, a government employee is complicit (knowingly or otherwise) in taking my property without providing me due compensation. And that's just my 5th amendment grievance. There's also the violation of my privacy that continues to happen to this day. I'm clearly being surveilled in some capacity. Therefore, I am hereby invoking the privacy act of 1974 which requires government agencies to show an individual any records kept on him or her as it is clear to me my name and location are being disclosed without my written consent. The person diverting this very post (to where it goes after I hit send) is also culpable in the disclosure of OTHER PEOPLE'S NAMES, without THEIR written consent. As I do not intend for this to be diverted away from me, this is something for which I am not responsible. If said surveillance is in any way punitive, I have yet to be charged with a crime and have, therefore, had my 4th amendment rights violated. Whatever perceived threat I pose is (at this point) entirely theoretical and cannot be considered justification for surveillance as I have been denied my right to habeas coprus as per the 4th amendment. That. Do that. That is your job. And the job of your colleagues. You should all be doing this and have had 9 years to do it."

by Hym Iam February 4, 2025