A freakishly large woman with an insatiable appetite that simultaneously has extremely feminist views and is overtly angry at men for their lack of desire towards her.
Damn, bro, I didn’t know Maya was such a vacuum beast!
A person with an outrageously long cock.
Did you hear? James gave Susie an Alabama Hot Pocket, instantly making him a hung beast.
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Large (tall &/or wide) person, often of the feminine (sometimes loosely defined) persuasion, whom you’ll find out shopping in the wee hours of the morning following Thanksgiving dinner. The jingle beast can be found towering over or largely blocking the sight of bargains while decked out in gross amounts of holiday attire, which may include gaudy Christmas sweaters in combination with grossly inappropriate knock off stretch pants, Santa or elf hats, holiday ornament earrings, and make -up plastered on, as if she was performing a holiday stage act in Las Vegas. Beware the jingle beast, as her all consuming holiday spirit may frighten small children, and even adults in the pursuit of the latest must have gift, or 50%off socks.
That enormous jingle beast blinded me with her flashing holiday face display, and nearly run me down with her cart, on her way to get the bargain television.
A reciprocal of the same popular euphemism Son of a Beast that denotes the same meaning as its root phrase.
"Son of a Beast, Beast of a Son. Seast of a Bun, Bun of a Seast."
the ugly friend a female will often hang out with in order to enhance her own appearances and make her seem like a nice person
Q: why dont you call up that bitch and tell her to come over ?
A: nah man, then the beast protectors gonna come too
a way to describe a very attractive, good looking person, who is really a bitch. For some reason it sounds better than calling them a bitch. Frost Beasts are individuals who are cold hearted, are self centered, are completely overpowering and controlling, and usually overwhelmingly suck the life out of significant others. A visual and metaphorical way to describe a Frost Beast would be that it is medieval ice-dragon that attacks and destroys villages to the point that no life remains. Originally the term was used to describe Ann Coulter or Hilliary Clinton.
Dude, my freakin' ex was such a Frost Beast.
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