"The statement 'Giggle giggle giggle' was uttered by an individual on June 7th, 2023, within the confines of an automobile. This remark pertained to the jovial laughter shared between two individuals of the lgbt community within the vehicle, subsequently gaining widespread recognition as a quotable phrase of national significance."
"Giggle giggle giggle"
The action of stuffing peach cobbler into you urethra and they having a 3 hour jerk circle with your mate in which the end product of peach cobbler semen is preserved eaten to be eaten on thanksgiving while listening to the Georgian news and giggling at how absurd this definition is.
He Georgian Giggle-jacked that guy and while listening to the Georgia news they iggled
Name for young homosexual men who when aroused giggle. Generally bottoms.
G was turning into a giggle boy after his boyfriend touched his thigh.
/v/ (ðə ˈmɪdˌnaɪt ˈɡɪɡəlz)
Less than mildly racist jokes / comments at a late hour.
"Last night on call you had some of the midnight giggles."
"Congrats you have performed the midnight Giggles."
When you make a sex joke or you and someone are talking dirty and it's making you blush.
Paul told me the things he was going to do to me that night and I replied back , "Giggle Giggity"
Kissing-cousin to the commonly-known "shout-out" --- where you pause a moment from "normal" broadcasting over the airwaves to express praise/thanks/acknowledgement for someone's exceptional/helpful performance --- this recognition-statement lauds someone's exceptionally-humorous remark that really "tickled your funny-bone", and so you want to let everyone know about it.
Redneck radio-announcer: Okay, we're back with our guest John Smith, head coach of the local Little League baseball team, and just before we go to the phones and take our listeners' questions for John, I'd just like to do a giggle-out to the young goofball gas-station attendant who serviced my car this morning on my way to work --- as you all know, I drive a pink Ford Galaxy, and so he jokingly asked me what galaxy I was from, and inquired if I had come to see Elvis, since he famously drove a pink Cadillac.
Cute and giggly name for almost pooping yourself while happy
I pooped as I laughed I am now a giggle poo