Middle aged male that owns a small business, pays people damn near nothing, treats them like crap while also claiming every five minutes 'no one wants to work society is lazy'
Likely owns a house in an upscale neighborhood with a pool and gets their groceries delivered. Talks about how they are 'the little guy'
Oh my boss? He's such an Alan dude...he told me if I don't come to work on Christmas day that I will be fired...he only told me this at 11:30 at night Christmas Eve...
Someone who pisses down your back and calls it rain
Vivian: I’m so sorry. I can’t do this anymore. You’re ugly on the inside and out.
Alan: Don’t piss down my back and call it rain
Alan-(noun) Male Name of American origin- individuals who are named Alan, are more likely to be a homosexual bottom, as well as trash at fortnite
"Yo Alan!" Alan-"fuck my ass"
Guy who is most times cool but can also be racially motivated sometimes.
Alan is a guy who really likes a certain chocolate cake, but he can't have said chocolate cake because he's an awkward pussy who doesn't know how to talk to girls. He also is a little bit gay and has a best friend named Eli.
Oh, Alan, yeah he totally likes her.
Oh yeah, Alan is such a moody asshole.
Cüşşş einfach der playboy . Kylie jenner wollte insta haben , aber Alan hat sie gekorbt . Wer Alan heißt der sollte könig von welt werden . Einfach baba aussehen , dies das . Wer nicht Alan heißt der ist eine hurensohn , außer meine Familie
Alan is a Playboyyy