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A male Jewish name for a very cute boy. This boy is usually funny and creative. He can also be a little bit of a bitch, but nonetheless a great friend.

Ari has the cutest boyfriend in the whole world.

by Dauntlessboy October 1, 2020


Ari is a male Jewish name for a very cute boy. Usually, this boy is funny and awesome but he can also be a bitch. Nonetheless, he is a great friend to have around.

Ari has the cutest boyfriend in the whole world.

by Dauntlessboy October 1, 2020


Aris is THE handsomest, spiciest & finest GOAT. he can pull up at anyone's place (guy, girl, kid, dog & yes even at your granny's) & everyone' s delighted to see him. he is a party-animal who enjoys drinking to the extreme limit. hence his favorite food: beer. one can have the most interesting conversations with him about god & the world, which are even moreso enhanced when aris slips into his drunk or high form. being a very humorous person, his taste for jokes expands from vanilla and dark. the same applies to the bedroom where he will slay that small half-asian pussy in all styles & angles. his taste in women was once despicable but has grown to major maturity as has his character. he is just ✨ SPECTACULAR ✨.

omg girl, u've never had an aris before? u've been missing out!

dude lemme tell u, that aris guy was so crazy he left with more beer than he came with?!

by faeryee August 17, 2022


"Ari" Is a noun used to characterize people who are extreme attention seekers. You can use it as a verb or as part of composite verbs.

"He's probably gonna Ari out to the mods to gain their sympathy"
"He pulled an Ari"

by Victini777 February 22, 2022


-The Great emperor from imperium of anime

A: Who's Rem husband?
B : His name is Aris

by Noeris November 24, 2021


Ari is a special specimen.

Have you seen Ari?

That creature?
Yeah I forgot she’s acoustic sometimes

by Not Ari… November 20, 2023


Aris is a sexy stick from Greece that has a BBC.

Person 1: who is that with the BBC?
Person 2: oh its the sexy stick from Greece, Aris

by BBC MAN 2 May 3, 2022