Source Code

Cock Balloon

A tushy toast tumble down tipsy turvey tickle time.

Lets take a tushy toast tumble down tipsy turvey tickle time with a Cock Balloon sandwich.

by Tits McGee O'Piggly Pee December 5, 2008

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balloon knot

Another name for the Anus. Also reffered to as the Angry Spider in the unfortunate case that the balloon knot is surrounded by hair resembling a spiders legs.

Ho needed to clean it up in the nether region. I swear I could see the angry spider trembling...

by RAK July 1, 2005

61๐Ÿ‘ 280๐Ÿ‘Ž

Shit balloon

A voluminous fart.

Dude, don't be floating none of your shit balloons in here today!

by flyfroggy June 27, 2015

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Deflated balloon

A tired person.

Helga felt like a deflated balloon after walking 10 steps. Bill was breathing like a deflated balloon.

by ArmendHammer August 7, 2019

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p balloon

the balloon power up from super {mario} world that pretty much started the {cringe} on {deviantart}

god damm p balloons everywhere on deviantart

by swag cake June 7, 2018

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fart balloons

a balloon you inflated with your ass using flatulence

lets get this party started, just dont pop those balloons
there fart balloons

by piss jerking March 8, 2017

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Water balloon

When somebody slides their asshole over the tub faucet and cranks the hot water up to max wow letting their large intestine blood with boiling water. When they cannot hold anymore they then release the water onto their partner. It is usually accompanied by shit particles and screams.

I dropped a water balloon on Shelly last night. It ruined the bed.

by GamerGirlPee123 February 12, 2020

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