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When 2 people are kissing and one of them jumps up and wraps their legs around the other.

I didn't trust my own legs to hold me up while he was kissing me, making my legs shaky and my heart melt so I clutched at him for support and he held me up with his strong arms.

by Weirdwhitney February 29, 2016


Anything Good, great, awesome

The food here is clutch.

The concert was clutch!

by IamAmberroze December 21, 2017


A made up word by Glen to try sound cool.

Wow Tiffany that was so clutch! You are awesome!

by Gdkxhjdndmndjdic June 14, 2019


Something of the form of being cool, awesome or lit.

My Girl came was super clutch when she shot the game winning shot for her team.

by DaddyPineapple December 3, 2017


If something is clutch, it’s the bomb. The best. The cherry on top. But clutch can also be used in a negative setting. If something is clutch - maybe it’s off putting or disgusting.

“That Ain’t Clutch” when describing something not nice.

“That’s clutch!!!” An exclamation over something awesome that has happened. Or something to like: “that colour of wallpaper is clutch!”

by Mr Double Clutch October 9, 2022


A guy who always manages to have his hand in his junk.

Whenever a chick comes around he's always got to clutch

by Razor Sharp Honesty November 29, 2020


Used it to describe a small Whisky personal container

That is so clutch

by 1rodarbal August 23, 2019