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someone who has no father figure and/or bitches

Person 1: I'm dreamsexual.
Person 2: When's your dad coming back with the milk you disgrace against humanity?

by saltySugar December 8, 2022


Someone who is stupid enough to turn a Minecraft speedrun cheating YouTuber into a sexuality.

Dreamsexual: Hey, Mr. Johnson, I would like to announce that I am a Dreamsexual.

Teacher: Kill yourself

by Lean Lover Man 420 June 6, 2022


there's more than one definition here
DreamSexual: a human being that was dropped as a child/Someone mainly attracted to Dream SMP members. (Does not exist)
DreamGender: Same as Definiton one for DreamSexual. (also does not exist)
DreamPhobic: An educated human being (This Does not exist because none of the others exist lol.)

1) MChar1: dude did you know I'm Dreamsexual
MChar2: You're a disappointment to existence.
2) FChar1: I am a certified DREAMGENDER mind you.
FChar2: This is why you don't have any other friends.
3) MChar3: wait hold up you're what?
FChar3: DreamSexual and DreamGender
MChar3: you are a disappointment.
FChar3: Ugh i hate dreamphobes
MChar3: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

by lucky luciano (not really) January 9, 2022


A person who is an outcast and an absolute mistake.

Son Or Daughter: Dad im Dreamsexual
Dad: Yep the condom broke...

by DreamStansSuck:[ April 1, 2022


A person who is attracted to the popular minecraft youtuber dream.

I identify as dreamsexual.
Go touch some fucking grass and eat shit idiot

by Charlie Houle March 11, 2022


A person who has no dad and wants to get in the LGBTQIA+ community so bad where they identify being attracted to a faceless Minecraft youtuber that they never met.

Person: Hey dad! I'm Dreamsexual!
Dad: You're a mistake and a failure and me and your mom are going to take you to an adoption center.

by Reinsertion October 3, 2022

1👍 1👎


A little BITCH ASS MUTHER FUKER who's father that left them at a very young age, and has sent pussy picks to Dreams DM'S

"oh look at thats little bitch over there, shes making love to a dream poster. She must be Dreamsexual."

by Lucxd February 11, 2022