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Is a girl that is obsessed with BTS




A black girl that strangely acts a lot like a basic white girl, she might also like Starbucks and just generally be a white girl in a black girl's body. She might also live in another country to where she works/learns and will probably own the latest IPhone. She is most commonly known as a thot.

Dude, you know that Eva once told me that the reason she's black is because she was in the sun too long.
Damn that's crazy, but I don't recall asking.
You know dude, you're a dick sometimes.

by donnieboi84dfdddrh rthrfcmg bh September 27, 2019


Eva is such a sweet girl honestly. They fall for tall boys instantly. Not kidding. Usually not that tall. Dirty blonde or blonde. If your gf is an Eva, then your very very lucky. They earn peoples trust fast and they’ve got lots of amazing friends. They have mostly blue eyes and a nice face shape. Sometimes they love animals like nothing you’ve ever seen before. Animals are sometimes their best friends. Very sporty and athletic. HATES dresses lmfao. Loves music and instruments. Probably an orchestra person.

Boy: My friend is named Eva, and I can tell you she’s sweet as hell.

Boy’s BFF: I’ve never really talked to her, maybe I should get to know her.

by .hi. May 25, 2021


Eva is such a sweet girl!! She will TOTALLY fall for tall boy’s. They think brown hair is HOT. Being in an Orchestra or Band is their jam. Usually has dirty blonde or blonde hair. Lovers of animals. Sometimes gets in mini arguments with friends but then they sort it out. Probably a Cancer, Virgo, Aquarius, or Scorpio. Very loyal and kind. Most of the time, if an Eva has a guy friend, their totally falling for him!! Probably has blue eyes. There favourite color is probably Blue or Orange. They are very athletic and love sports. NEVER EVERY WEARS A DRESS, unless for a special occasion.

Eva: ”dude that tall guy over there is hot af
Evas BFF: “you should go talk to him”

by .hi. May 25, 2021


Something people use to protect their data privacy from data exploitation. Eva also helps people maintain their digital wellbeing and stay away from online predators, such as hackers who try to steal data for their advantage.

I use Eva to protect me from Brath the data stealer.

Eva is helping me a lot with digital wellbeing.

by TheInitial27 November 9, 2020


Please. Shut the fuck up. Omfg.

Eva just wont leave.

by 000NotCool000 March 14, 2023


She’s an ugly bitch and annoying af. But if your friends with her consider yourself lucky she’s an antisocial freak and has a fun personality. She also takes penis enlargement pills

Person 1: why are you through up
Person 2: I talked to that ugly bitch over there

Person 1: ohhh you must’ve talked to Eva

by Yourmim6969 September 26, 2022